Week 26

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The weeks are FLYING by!  Perhaps, when I hit 3rd trimester, they will slow down and I will wish they would fly by like they are now, but currently, things are going faster than I can keep track of! 
I am having a hard time believing that September is drawing to a close, which means that I have less than 100 days of pregnancy left (if he comes on or close to his due date)!
We are still working through names, and we affectionately call our little dude 'baby' right now, which actually sounds so endearing to me that I don't mind that we haven't picked out a name.   
He is very active and is doing lots of flailing around right now. It is so fun, except when it happens at 3:00 in the morning, which happens about once a week.  
My strong pregnancy cravings have mostly gone away, but occasionally I still get a hunkering for gummy worms, skittles and chips (why is it always the junk that sounds so appealing?).
Overall, 2nd trimester rocks, and I love being pregnant!   

shirt: forever 21// skirt: old navy(similar)// shoes: dsw(similar)// necklace: purchased in London


  1. And this is why everyone loves the second trimester!

    1. Seriously. I totally get it now. I kept thinking, "First trimester isn't so bad. What is everyone's deal?" but now I understand.

  2. Have we discussed the name Harvey yet? I just love it so much. And yes, you are gorgeous.

    1. Thanks, Cami! We have not discussed the name Harvey! But it sounds like we should!

    2. Jumping in here, Harvey is blakelys number one boy name but I have never been completly sold on it. I'm glad there are some other fans though!
      But most importantly yes Landen you look so perfectly feminine and beautiful in these pictures

    3. How funny, Lindsey! Well, we have a few names in mind, but we haven't decided from among them. Neither of us have a favorite yet, though. We might just wait until he is born and decide then.

  3. I was teaching while I was pregnant and other than the kicks and dancing Bubbas (what we called her until she had a name) did, I hardly noticed I was pregnant throughout the day. Once I got over the nausea, pregnancy was a dream until about 30 weeks. Then it got a little rough on my body, but I would do it again in a heartbeat! :)


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